Friday, July 25, 2008

What Happened To Me Earlier

As what I have told you about the water attack in our living room because of the heavy rain last night, it really makes me irritated today. The mud are all over our house! Even though I have already cleaned a bit of this dirt last night, still traces from last night's nature's revenge remains! Hahahaha!

And so I woke early today to attend my 9:00 A.M. Saturday class. Actually, I really did not woke up early because I saw myself in a hurry while going to school since late comers must entertain the whole class. Although I know how to sing and dance, still I would never put myself into a situation like my classmates are clapping rhythmically and ME dancing or singing! NEVER! That is crazy. (I'm out of topic again). Hahaha.

Luckily, when I arrived school, I then looked at that "fooly" functioning university's digital clock and was happy to see that it was still 8:55 and I still have 5 minutes to breathe without me being interrogated with my professor and my classmates! LOL. And oooh for heaven's permission, YEAH YEAH, there was no electric current supply in the whole school. And so because our session is a laboratory, we were not able to have a class! Hahahaha! And Since I did not ate my breakfast earlier, I decided to buy "arroz caldo" in the canteen. Hehehhe. I attended my next class about Web Development and then went home to check my SocialSpark account! Luckily, an OPP is now reserved for me and so much for this post since I'll start writing about it! Happy life everyone.

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