Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Winning Moments of IT

Last Friday, ater all the competitons in our college we were really surprised when our governor announced that our department, Information Technology, soared high makiing our way to the first spot and thus giving us the title Over-All Champion. All of us students from our department and especially the officers, really gave our best in order to get back the trophy that was "stolen" last year. And so after all the efforts and exhaustion on the preparation, let me share to you the captured winning moments of our departmet.

There are still a lot of picutres here in my computer but I can't post it all.  All of us were really for grabbing the title Over-All Champion! Congrats IT!


  1. what was the contest anyway?
    nevertheless, congratulations!

    PS. im done adding you in my list :)
