There's this website called, which features complete information on all web hosting providers, all their web hosting plans, promotional and discount coupons. Actually this new host rating site is trying to build the biggest searchable web hosting directory with its unedited reviews by real customers on web hosting providers. In addition, their rating is based on the customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and technical support of these top 10 web hosting companies. These web hosting rating are then subdivided in categories like, Unix Hosting, Windows Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Collocation Hosting and Managed Hosting. They also give web hosting awards to those providers that would really help you decide to choose who are the best in the following title: Best Budget Hosting, Best Blog Hosting, Best Forum Hosting, Best Unix Hosting, Best Windows Hosting, Best PHP Hosting, Best Email Hosting, Best Ecommerce Hosting, Best Multi-Domain Hosting, Best VPS Hosting, Best Reseller Hosting and Best Dedicated Hosting.
Web Hosting Rating is actually not just a directory for the top web hosting providers. They are also a home of information regarding the Internet, technology and other related topics in web hosting. They will provide you simple and basic ideas you should know and consider when putting up a website through their web hosting tutorials. Articles such as Hosting with Cold Fusion, Securing Multiple Domains, Defining Managed Hosting and many more will surely help you in choosing the best web hosting providers!
So grab a chair there and sit for a while. Visit their website now for more information!
I agree that you can never have too much information while choosing a hosting provider. I found these guys HostingIncentive and they seem to do a pretty good job also.